Why do not customers understand the benefits of waterproofing?

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Customers may not understand the benefits of waterproofing due to:-
1. Lack of awareness:- Limited knowledge about waterproofing and its importance.
2. Short-term thinking:- Focus on initial costs rather than long-term benefits.
3. Invisible benefits:- Waterproofing is often invisible, making its value hard to appreciate.
4. Misconceptions:- Belief that waterproofing is only necessary for areas with high rainfall or extreme weather.
5. Prioritizing aesthetics:- Focus on visual aspects of a building rather than functional aspects like waterproofing.
6. Unfamiliarity with consequences:- Unaware of the potential damages and costs associated with water damage.
7. Trust in builders/contractors:- Assuming that builders/contractors have already taken care of waterproofing.
8. Limited understanding of technical aspects:- Difficulty grasping the technical details and benefits of waterproofing.
9. Budget constraints:- Waterproofing may be seen as an unnecessary expense.
10. Lack of education:- Not understanding the importance of waterproofing in maintaining a building’s integrity and longevity.
It’s essential to educate customers about the benefits of waterproofing, highlighting its long-term cost savings, structural protection, and health benefits.

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