Admixtures are additives mixed into concrete to enhance its properties and behavior. Their functions include:-
1. Air-entraining:-
Creating air bubbles to improve workability and resistance to freeze-thaw cycles.
2. Retarding:-
Slowing down the setting process to allow for longer working times.
3. Accelerating:-
Speeding up the setting process to reduce construction time.
4. Water-reducing:-
Reducing the water content to improve strength and durability.
5. Plasticizing:-
Improving workability and flowability without increasing water content.
6. Anti-shrinkage:-
Reducing shrinkage cracks and improving volume stability.
7. Corrosion-inhibiting:-
Protecting reinforcement from corrosion.
8. Fly ash:-
Improving workability, reducing water content, and increasing strength.
9. Silica fume:-
Improving strength, durability, and resistance to chemical attack.
10. Coloring:-
Changing the color of the concrete.
Admixtures can improve the overall performance of concrete, but it’s important to use them correctly and in appropriate quantities to avoid negative effects.