Acrylic polymer as a water-reducing admixture can help prevent dampness in concrete for a significant number of years, depending on various factors, such as:-
1. Concentration:-
The amount of acrylic polymer used in the mix.
2. Concrete quality:-
The overall quality of the concrete mix and its components.
3. Environmental conditions:-
Exposure to water, humidity, and temperature fluctuations.
4. Maintenance and repair:-
Regular maintenance and prompt repair of cracks or damage.
Typically, acrylic polymer can provide effective damp prevention for:-
* 15 to 25 years in harsh environments (high humidity, heavy rainfall, etc.).
* 25 to 35 years in moderate environments (average humidity and rainfall).
* 35 to 45 years or more in dry environments (low humidity and rainfall).
Please note that these estimates are approximate and can vary depending on the specific circumstances. Regular inspection and maintenance are crucial to ensuring the effectiveness of acrylic polymer in preventing dampness.