Acrylic Polymer Coating Mixed with Cement

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If we can do the acrylic polymer coating mixed with cement inside the outer wall and partition wall of a flat over the AAC Block, then we can able to prevent the damp and shrinkage crack. It is a double benefit for the customers.

Applying an acrylic polymer coating mixed with cement on the outer wall and partition walls over AAC Blocks can provide a dual benefit:-
1. Damp prevention:- The coating acts as a water-resistant barrier, preventing water ingress and dampness.
2. Shrinkage crack prevention:- The acrylic polymer helps to fill hairline cracks and reduces shrinkage crack formation, ensuring a more durable and stable structure.
This approach can enhance the overall performance and longevity of the building envelope, providing added value to customers. However, ensure:-
– Proper surface preparation and cleaning of the AAC Blocks
– Compatible materials and mix design
– Correct application and curing procedures
– Adequate thickness and coverage
By offering this innovative solution, we can differentiate ourselves from others in the industry and provide a unique selling proposition that benefits the customers.

How much water bar pressure can be arrested by the Construction Chemicals ?

Construction chemicals, such as waterproofing agents, can help resist water pressure to some extent, but the specific amount of water bar pressure they can arrest depends on various factors, including:-
1. Type and quality of the chemical
2. Application method and thickness
3. Surface preparation and substrate material
4. Water pressure intensity (hydrostatic pressure)
Typically, construction chemicals can withstand a certain amount of water pressure, measured in bars (1 bar = 10.2 meters of water column). The resistance level varies among products, but here are some general guidelines:
Basic waterproofing coatings:- up to 2-5 bars
Advanced waterproofing membranes:- up to 10-15 bars
High-performance waterproofing systems:- up to 20-25 bars or more
Keep in mind that these values are approximate and may vary depending on the specific product and application.

Some customers think that if they can fix the ceramic or vitrified tiles or marble over the damp walls, it will not create further damage.

That's a common misconception! While fixing ceramic, vitrified tiles, or marble over damp walls may cover up the issue temporarily, it won't address the underlying problem. In fact, it can lead to more severe consequences, such as:-
1. Trapped moisture:- Water can become trapped behind the tiles or marble, exacerbating the dampness and potentially causing structural damage.
2. Efflorescence:- Salt deposits can appear on the surface of the tiles or marble, discoloring them.
3. Tile or marble failure:- The dampness can weaken the adhesive or grout, leading to tile or marble failure.
4. Mold and mildew:- Trapped moisture can foster mold and mildew growth, posing health risks.
To prevent further damage, it's essential to address the dampness issue first by:-
1. Identifying and repairing the source of moisture.
2. Ensuring proper drainage and ventilation.
3. Applying a suitable waterproofing treatment to the walls.
Only then should you proceed with fixing the ceramic, vitrified tiles, or marble. This will ensure a long-lasting and durable installation.

How long distance can water travel inside the 5-inch slab ?

Water can travel a significant distance through a 5-inch (13 cm) slab, depending on various factors:-
1. Porosity and permeability of the concrete
2. Water pressure and flow rate
3. Presence of cracks or defects
4. Capillary action
In general, water can travel:-
Through concrete pores and capillaries:- up to 10-15 feet (3-4.5 meters)
Through small cracks and defects:- up to 20-30 feet (6-9 meters)
Under pressure, such as hydrostatic pressure:- up to 50 feet (15 meters) or more
Keep in mind that these estimates are approximate and can vary depending on the specific conditions. Water travel distance can be reduced by:-
– Using waterproofing admixtures in the concrete
– Applying a waterproofing membrane or coating
– Ensuring proper compaction and curing of the concrete
It’s important to address water ingress and transmission issues to prevent structural damage and deterioration.

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