How can a waterproofing contractor give a warranty without knowing the structural conditions?

You are currently viewing How can a waterproofing contractor give a warranty without knowing the structural conditions?
A waterproofing contractor cannot accurately provide a warranty without knowing the structural conditions of the building or area to be waterproofed. Here's why:
1. Unknown substrate conditions:- Without inspecting the surface, they may not know if it’s suitable for waterproofing.
2. Hidden defects:- They may not be aware of existing cracks, damage, or other issues that could affect waterproofing performance.
3. Inadequate drainage:- They may not know if the area has proper drainage, which is crucial for waterproofing success.
4. Structural movement:- They may not be aware of potential structural movement or settling that could compromise waterproofing.
5. Incompatible materials:- They may not know if the existing materials are compatible with the waterproofing system.
To provide a valid warranty, a waterproofing contractor must:-
1. Conduct a thorough inspection and assessment.
2. Identify potential issues and address them before applying waterproofing.
3. Ensure the substrate is suitable and prepared correctly.
4. Design a waterproofing system appropriate for the specific conditions.
5. Install the system correctly and test it thoroughly.
Only then can they confidently offer a warranty that covers both materials and labor.

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