Some civil engineers say why waterproofing is required if the structural conditions are good?

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Even with good structural conditions, waterproofing is still essential for several reasons:-
1. Water damage:- Water can still seep into tiny cracks or joints, causing damage to the structure, finishes, and furnishings.
2. Corrosion protection:- Waterproofing protects reinforcing steel and other metals from corrosion, ensuring the structure’s integrity.
3. Durability:- Waterproofing enhances the structure’s durability by preventing water-borne damage and reducing maintenance needs.
4. Comfort and safety:- Waterproofing ensures a dry and safe environment, preventing slips, falls, and mold growth.
5. Energy efficiency:- Waterproofing helps reduce energy losses by preventing heat transfer through wet building envelopes.
6. Asset protection:- Waterproofing protects the building’s assets, including finishes, furnishings, and equipment, from water damage.
7. Building code compliance:- Many building codes require waterproofing to ensure public safety and building durability.
While good structural conditions are essential, waterproofing is a critical additional layer of protection to ensure the building’s longevity, safety, and functionality.

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