Remove the Plastering and Expose the AAC Blocks

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How can we arrest this ?

We can remove the plastering and expose the AAC blocks, but ensure the following:-
1. Assess the structure:- Verify that the AAC blocks are in good condition and can support the building’s loads without plastering.
2. Clean and prepare:- Thoroughly clean the AAC blocks to remove any debris, oil, or grease.
3. Dry conditions:- Ensure the area is completely dry and well-ventilated to prevent moisture accumulation.
4. Apply Acrylic Polymer Coating:- Apply two coats of the Acrylic Polymer Coating mixed with cement, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
5. Surface preparation:- Ensure the AAC block surface is rough enough to provide a good bond between the blocks and the coating.
6. Coating thickness:- Apply the coating in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, typically 1-2 mm thick.
7. Curing:- Allow the coating to cure completely, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
By following these steps, we can create a durable, water-resistant surface. However, keep in mind:-
– Exposed AAC blocks may not be aesthetically pleasing.
– The structure must be designed to support the loads without plastering.
– Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the coating’s effectiveness.

Does it occur in conventional red brick ?

The issues we discussed (dampness, algae/mold growth, and the need for coating) can occur in conventional red brick construction as well, although the likelihood and severity may vary.
Red brick buildings can also experience:-
1. Water seepage through joints or cracks
2. Rising dampness from the foundation or soil
3. Condensation due to temperature and humidity changes
However, red brick buildings have some advantages that can reduce the likelihood of these issues:-
1. Better durability and resistance to weathering
2. Lower water absorption compared to AAC blocks
3. Natural thermal mass, which can help regulate interior temperatures
Still, it's essential to maintain red brick buildings properly, including:
1. Regular cleaning and repointing of joints
2. Ensuring proper drainage and gutter maintenance
3. Applying a water repellent or coating (if necessary)

We observe that, basically, customers are not paid any attention regarding waterproofing and damp proofing treatment at a glance when they come to purchase a new constructed flat. After 1/2 years, most of the cases they can understand. Why ?

There are several reasons why customers might not prioritize waterproofing and damp proofing treatments when purchasing a new flat, only to realize their importance later:-
1. Lack of awareness:- Many customers may not be aware of the importance of waterproofing and damp proofing in preventing future damages and maintenance issues.
2. Visual appeal:- New constructions often focus on aesthetic appeal, and waterproofing measures may not be visible or prominent, leading customers to overlook their significance.
3. Short-term focus:- Buyers might prioritize immediate needs, such as space, location, and amenities, over long-term maintenance and durability concerns.
4. Trust in builders:- Customers may assume that builders have already taken care of these essential features, and therefore, they don’t need to worry about them.
5. Hidden costs:- Waterproofing and damp proofing treatments might be perceived as additional expenses, leading customers to opt out or overlook them.
6. Lack of explanation:- Sales teams or builders might not adequately explain the importance and benefits of these treatments, leading to a lack of understanding among customers.
It’s essential for builders, sales teams, and construction professionals to educate customers about the significance of waterproofing and damp proofing treatments, highlighting their long-term benefits and cost savings. By doing so, customers can make informed decisions and prioritize these critical features from the outset.

A big percentage of waterproofing contractors may not think about the technical parameters according to site conditions. Most of the cases we observe. Why ?

There are several reasons why many waterproofing contractors might not consider technical parameters according to site conditions:-
1. Lack of training:- Some contractors may not have received adequate training or education on waterproofing technologies and site-specific requirements.
2. Experience gap:- Contractors may have limited experience with diverse site conditions, leading to a lack of understanding of specific requirements.
3. Cost-cutting:- Contractors might prioritize profit over proper installation, neglecting critical technical parameters to reduce costs.
4. Overreliance on products:- Some contractors may rely solely on product manufacturers’ recommendations, without considering site-specific factors.
5. Insufficient site investigation:- Contractors might not conduct thorough site investigations to understand soil, water table, and other environmental factors.
6. Time constraints:- Tight deadlines and scheduling pressures can lead contractors to overlook technical parameters in favor of quick completion.
7. Lack of standards enforcement:- In some regions, regulations and standards for waterproofing may not be strictly enforced, leading to a lack of accountability.
8. Misconceptions and myths:- Contractors may hold misconceptions or rely on outdated practices, neglecting advancements in waterproofing technologies and site-specific requirements.
It’s crucial to address these issues by promoting education, training, and adherence to industry standards, ensuring that waterproofing contractors prioritize technical parameters according to site conditions.

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