Arrest this situation with proper grouting

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If water comes from raft ?

If water is coming from the raft (the foundation slab) itself, it's a more challenging issue. This could be due to:-
1. Poor raft design or construction
2. Inadequate waterproofing
3. Cracks or damage to the raft
4. High water table or hydrostatic pressure
In such cases, waterproofing the basement alone might not be sufficient. You may need to address the issue at the source:-
1. Assess the raft’s condition:- Inspect the raft for any cracks, damage, or deterioration.
2. Repair or replace the raft:- If necessary, repair or replace the damaged or deteriorated sections of the raft.
3. Improve waterproofing:- Apply a robust waterproofing system to the raft, including a suitable membrane and drainage system.
4. Manage hydrostatic pressure:- Consider installing a drainage system or a sump pump to manage water accumulation around the foundation.
Addressing water ingress from the raft requires a comprehensive approach to ensure the foundation’s integrity and prevent further damage.

Can we arrest this situation with proper grouting with Acrylic Polymer mixed with Cement ?

Yes, proper grouting with an acrylic polymer mixed with cement can help arrest the situation. Here's why:-
1. Improved durability:- Acrylic polymer with cement grout exhibits enhanced durability and resistance to water and chemicals.
2. Reduced permeability:- The acrylic polymer helps reduce the grout’s permeability, making it more resistant to water ingress.
3. Increased flexibility:- The polymer additive can improve the grout’s flexibility, allowing it to accommodate minor movements and settlements without cracking.
4. Enhanced bonding:- Acrylic polymer grout can bond better with the surrounding concrete, creating a stronger and more monolithic structure.
By using an Acrylic Polymer mixed with Cement grout, we can improve the chances of successfully arresting the water ingress from the raft. However, if the issue persists or is severe, it’s still recommended to consult a structural engineer for further guidance.

Why does capillary action occur in construction ?

Capillary action occurs in construction due to the natural tendency of water to flow through tiny spaces or pores in materials, such as concrete, masonry, or soil. This happens because of:-
1. Surface tension:- Water’s surface tension allows it to penetrate small spaces.
2. Adhesion:- Water molecules adhere to the material’s surface, pulling them into the pores.
3. Cohesion:- Water molecules stick together, creating a continuous flow.
In construction, capillary action can occur through:-
1. Pores in concrete or masonry:- Water seeps through tiny pores or cracks.
2. Mortar joints:- Water enters through gaps between bricks or blocks.
3. Soil or backfill:- Water moves through soil particles or backfill materials.
4. Cracks or damage:- Water enters through cracks or damaged areas.
Capillary action can lead to issues like:-
1. Water damage
2. Structural weakening
3. Corrosion
4. Efflorescence (salt deposits on surfaces)

In Rainy season, can Water Seepage occur from Outside Plaster Cracks ?

Yes, water seepage can occur from outside plaster cracks during the rainy season. Plaster cracks can provide a path for water to enter the building, especially if:-
1. Cracks are deep or wide:- Allowing water to penetrate more easily.
2. Cracks are oriented upwards:- Allowing water to enter through capillary action.
3. Plaster is porous or damaged:- Reducing its water-resistance.
4. Water pressure is high:- Due to heavy rainfall, clogged gutters, or poor drainage.
5. No waterproofing layer:- Or if the waterproofing layer is compromised.
Water seepage through plaster cracks can lead to:-
1. Dampness and moisture issues
2. Mold and mildew growth
3. Stains and discoloration
4. Structural damage (if left untreated)
Addressing plaster cracks and ensuring proper waterproofing can help prevent water seepage and related issues.

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