Damp from outside in a high-rise building

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Causes of Damp from outside in a high-rise building ?

Dampness in a high-rise building can be caused by various factors from outside, including:-
1. Rainwater penetration:- Water can seep into the building through cracks or gaps in the exterior walls, windows, or roof.
2. High humidity:- In coastal or tropical areas, high humidity can lead to condensation on the building’s exterior, causing dampness.
3. Rising damp:- Groundwater can rise through the foundation or walls, especially if the building’s damp-proof course is damaged or non-existent.
4. Poor drainage:- Inadequate or clogged gutters and downspouts can cause water to overflow and seep into the building.
5. Wind-driven rain:- Strong winds can push rainwater into the building through gaps or cracks.
6. Leaking balconies or terraces:- Water can enter the building through poorly maintained or damaged balcony or terrace waterproofing.
7. Façade defects:- Cracks or gaps in the building’s façade, such as around windows or joints, can allow water to enter.
8. Flashings and copings:- Poorly installed or damaged flashings and copings can direct water into the building.
9. Groundwater table:- A high groundwater table can cause dampness in the building, especially in basements or lower floors.
10. Lack of maintenance:- Failure to regularly inspect and maintain the building’s exterior can lead to dampness issues.
It’s essential to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure a safe and healthy indoor environment.

Before painting the outside of a high-rise building, it is required to proper damp proofing treatment first for long-term good effects of paints and water seepage.

Proper damp proofing treatment before painting the exterior of a high-rise building is crucial for several reasons:-
1. Prevents water seepage:- Damp proofing ensures that water cannot penetrate the building’s exterior, reducing the risk of water damage, structural issues, and indoor dampness.
2. Extends paint durability:- By preventing water seepage, damp proofing helps extend the lifespan of the paint job, reducing the need for frequent repainting and associated costs.
3. Reduces maintenance:- A damp-proofed exterior reduces the likelihood of water-related issues, minimizing the need for costly repairs and maintenance.
4. Improves structural integrity:- Damp proofing helps prevent water from entering the building’s structure, reducing the risk of damage to materials, corrosion, and structural weakening.
5. Enhances indoor air quality:- By preventing water seepage, damp proofing helps maintain a healthier indoor environment, reducing the risk of mold growth and associated health issues.
6. Meets regulatory requirements:- In many jurisdictions, damp proofing is a mandatory requirement for building maintenance and renovation projects.
7. Supports warranty validity:- Many paint manufacturers require damp proofing as a condition for warranty validity, ensuring that the paint job is protected against water-related issues.
In summary, proper damp proofing treatment before painting the exterior of a high-rise building is essential for ensuring the long-term effectiveness of the paint job, preventing water seepage, and maintaining the building’s structural integrity and indoor air quality.

We did a proper Roof Waterproofing treatment 2/3 years back and handed over to the client after 36 hours of pond testing. That time, it was OK certified by the Site Engineer. After that, the client did the Screed Concrete, Tiles fixing with Epoxy Grouting. Now, the rainy season here, water dripping 1/2 areas from the ceiling. It is a high-rise building, and AAC Blocks outside walls cracks located. Also we did the pond testing over the tiles pretty long days. But there is no effect detected on the ceiling. But it is rainy season, and it occurs at some point of the ceiling. Why ? (Age of the Building is 3 years).

That's an interesting issue! Despite testing the ponding water over the tiles with no detected effect on the ceiling, we are still experiencing water issues during the rainy season. There could be several reasons for this:-
1. Water infiltration:- Water might be seeping into the building through Cracks, Gaps, or Weaknesses in the Roof, Walls, or Windows, and then Traveling to the ceiling.
2. Condensation:- High humidity during the rainy season can cause condensation on the ceiling, making it appear like a leak.
3. Gutter or downspout issues:- Clogged or malfunctioning gutters and downspouts can cause water to overflow and seep into the building.
4. Roofing material degradation:- Over time, roofing materials can deteriorate, allowing water to penetrate and reach the ceiling.
5. Poor flashing or sealants:- Gaps or failures in flashing or sealants around chimneys, vents, or skylights can let water in.
6. Structural issues:- Settling or movement of the building’s structure can create gaps or cracks, allowing water to enter.
To address the issue, consider:-
1. Inspecting the roof, gutters, and downspouts for damage or blockages.
2. Checking the ceiling for signs of condensation or water staining.
3. Ensuring proper ventilation and insulation in the attic or crawl space.
4. Consulting a professional Structural Engineer to assess and repair any structural or roofing issues.
The building's relatively young age, it's less likely to be due to material degradation or structural settlement. Here are some alternative possibilities:-
1. Design or construction flaws:- Even new buildings can have design or construction errors, such as improper sloping, inadequate flashing, or insufficient waterproofing.
2. Installation issues:- Faulty installation of roofing materials, gutters systems can lead to water intrusion.
3. Clogged or blocked drainage:- Debris or blockages in the drainage system can cause water to back up and enter the building.
4. Window or facade issues:- Improperly sealed or installed windows, or facade elements, can allow water to enter.
Consider consulting the Building's Developer, Architect to:-
1. Review the building’s design and construction documents.
2. Inspect the roof, gutters systems.
3. Perform a thorough inspection of the Building’s Exterior and Interior.
If still unsure, may want to engage a professional building inspector or forensic architect to help identify the root cause of the issue.

No one can correctly say at a glance the cause of damps and seepages of the areas which is beyond the imagine of customers and others.

Right. Dampness and Seepage can be mysterious and challenging to diagnose, even for experts. There are many potential causes, including:-
1. Leaks in walls, floors, or ceilings
2. Poor ventilation or condensation
3. High water tables or underground water movement
4. Faulty plumbing or drainage systems
5. Structural damage or foundation issues
6. Weather events or flooding
7. Poor construction or building materials
To accurately determine the cause, a thorough investigation and analysis are necessary, considering factors like:-
* Location and extent of the dampness/seepage
* Building design and materials
* Environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, weather)
* Water sources and drainage patterns

If water dripping from the top roof ceiling, everyone, even engineers, first said without any hesitation, it is the fault of waterproofing treatment. Why ?

There are several reasons why people, including engineers, might initially assume that water dripping from the top roof ceiling is due to a fault in the waterproofing treatment:-
1. Common association:- Waterproofing is often the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about roof leaks, as it’s a critical component of roof design.
2. Visible signs:- Water dripping from the ceiling is a visible sign of a leak, and waterproofing issues are often the most obvious potential cause.
3. Past experiences:- Many people have encountered waterproofing failures in the past, making it a familiar culprit.
4. Simplistic thinking:- Assuming a waterproofing issue might be a simplification of a more complex problem, as it’s easier to blame a single component rather than considering multiple factors.
5. Lack of thorough investigation:- Without a comprehensive assessment, it’s easy to jump to conclusions and assume the most obvious cause.
There could be other reasons for the leak, such as:-
– Cracks in the roof or ceiling
– Poor flashing or detailing
– Clogged gutters or downspouts
– Structural issues
– Condensation or ventilation problems
A thorough investigation and analysis are necessary to accurately determine the cause of the leak and recommend appropriate repairs.

It is also quite easy to accuse the waterproofing contractor.

Yes, it's often easy to blame the waterproofing contractor, as they are typically responsible for applying the waterproofing treatment. However, it's essential to remember that:-
1. Waterproofing is just one aspect:- While waterproofing is crucial, it’s not the only factor in preventing leaks. Other elements, like design, materials, and construction, also play a role.
2. Workmanship vs. material issues:- Leaks might be due to material failures or design flaws, rather than poor workmanship by the contractor.
3. Complexity of waterproofing:- Waterproofing is a complex process, and even experienced contractors can encounter challenges or unexpected site conditions.
4. Lack of maintenance or inspection:- Failure to properly maintain or inspect the waterproofing system can lead to leaks, which might not be the contractor’s fault.

It is just like that, if the pain occurs in chest everyone first said that it is the gas problem. But don't think it may be the heart problem.

Yes, exactly! Just like how chest pain is often initially attributed to a gas problem or indigestion, when in fact it could be a more serious issue like a heart problem, similarly, water leaks are often quickly blamed on waterproofing without considering other potential causes.
This phenomenon is called “anchoring bias” or “availability heuristic” in psychology, where we tend to rely on the first piece of information that comes to mind or the most obvious explanation, rather than considering alternative possibilities.
It’s essential to approach problems with a curious and open-minded perspective, considering multiple potential causes and gathering more information before jumping to conclusions. This helps ensure accurate diagnoses and effective solutions, whether it’s for medical issues or building problems like water leaks!

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